Apologies for the lack of blog entries which comes at the hands of Final Year Project. Said project is now done and dusted and all 5 copies handed into the Department of Statistics reception. Speaking of FYP, a trip to Tilburg to celebrate its completion was undertaken last week and this is the subject of the forthcoming entry.

I guess the trip began at 11 am on the morning of Wednesday 29th March 2006. Lenny called over then and after a while we headed to O'Neills to meet Fi and Max. Lenny decided that it would be prudent to buy a gift for Joris and after considering many fine articles of Irish tack from O'Carrolls, we finally decided on a €8 rugby ball from Champion Sports. Onwards and upwards as I say we went to Bruxelles. It was well after midday at this stage and a pint was already overdue. I must say the guinness is extra creamy at that hour of the day. Either it was the pre holiday jitters or the excitement of having finally

handed in FYP but I was in an overly giddy mood. Along with this came a new found clumsiness which resulted in many pints being spilt and people being bumped around. Soon it was time to go and after a quick stop off at my place to pick up my digital camera we headed for the 16A bus stop to bring us to the hairyport. On the bus we decided that the can of Prascky burning a hole in Fi's bag had to be drunk. Although I was in pain due to bladder burstage being imminent, I somehow managed to get half the can into me. After arriving at the airport and making a much welcomed piss stop, we checked in and headed straight for the bar. Just as we ordered our pints, our flight was called. No problem. We downed the pints and headed for the gate. On the plane we met up with Philip, a rather nice Dutch guy who was returning home after visiting Guiseppe (hehe!). During the safety demonstration on the plane, Fi and I were repremanded for talking by a fiesty yet strangely attractive air hostess. The plane ride itself was unusally quick, no doubt our perception due to alcohol already consumed, high holiday spirits and the several Amstels imbibed while on the plane.

By the time we arrived at Eindhoven airport, the rugby ball no longer looked like brand new. In fact it more looked like we had found it in a skip and decided to bring it for Joris. The man himself picked us up at the airport and drove us in his very VERY small Renault to Tilburg. Despite a near crash on the way we made in one piece to his luxurious bachelor pad.

It wasn't long before we raided his fridge, cracked open the beers and were having the banter. Max and Joris very kindly made us the best meal EVER! Mashed potato, cabbage and bacon. Delicious! Although they made more than enough, within minutes we were literally scraping the bottom of the large saucepan and whining for more. After the hearty meal and long day of drinking we began to feel tired. Fi was concerned about imminent fadeage and suggested heading out to the local for a few pints. In the end we decided to stay in and hang out with Joris since he had been so kind in making us dinner and providing us with alcohol. It didn't take long for someone to suggest drinking games and that's when all hell broke loose! The first was ring of fire. Despite a considerably weak rule that only beer and whiskey be allowed in the dirty pint, the game resulted in carnage. Suitably, Lenny

got the dirty pint. After this, the next game was quite a complicated one involving dice and numbers and stuff. Although the Germans assured me this was a game played by young kids in Germany I still couldn't get to grips with this. However I eventually managed to exploit my ingorance into making others drink which was fun. The next thing I remember was waking up the next morning although I was subsequently filled in on some events that happened. First, I apparently broke Joris' chair when leaning back on it. Second, I apparently INSISTED that Joris make us toasties! Finally, I apparently made fun of the Dutch accent to the point of annoyance on Joris' behalf. All I can say is sorry Joris. Also a big apology to Lenny and Max for other events that took place that night that we will discuss in a more appropriate forum.
Now away with ye...
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