Grum's Blog in F# minor
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Dublin Bike Scheme Fail
However on Monday night, I took out a Dublin Bike from the stand on Townsend St. By the time I got to Portobello College at 10pm, the stands were completely full up and there was no space left to leave the bike. A quick check of the nearest bike stands revealed that all were at capacity. What the hell was I to do with this Dublin Bike I had been shafted with?
As it turns out, I was able to bundle it into the boot of Aily’s Nissan Micra and we drove down to St. Stephen’s Green where there was ample bike parking available. Unfortunately this highlights a shortcoming in the scheme when there are not enough bike spaces to satisfy demand. It will definitely make me think twice about renting a Dublin Bike in the future :(
Now away with ye…
Monday, August 23, 2010
Steam Train with Kreamy

Anyway, it was a great day out. Thanks Kreamy for the tickets! And kudos to the railway anorak we interrogated on the platform in Wicklow. He knew everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, about the history of trains in Europe. He impressed us with facts such as the amount of water the steam train consumes – 40 gallons per mile by the way! That’s less than 5% efficiency so it’s no wonder diesel and electric trains have taken over in the last half century. Oh and I can definitely vouch for the quality of the Guinness on board a steam train.
Now away with ye...
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Student Discount Fail
Now away with ye...
Friday, August 06, 2010
Burger King Fail
Carol: “What would you like?”
Me: “A double cheeseburger please.”
Carol: “Would you like fries and a drink with that?”
Me: “No thanks.”
Carol: “Ok, that’s €5 please.”
Me: “What?”
Carol: “Yeah it’s cheaper if you get fries and a drink with it.”
Me: “But I don’t want fries and a drink. I just want the burger!”
Carol: “Then that’s €5 please.”
Me: “Well in that case I’ll take a fries and drink but I’ll just throw them in the bin.”
Carol: “What drink would you like?”
Me: “It doesn’t matter because I’m just going to throw it out anyway.”
Carol: “You have to tell me what drink you want.”
Me: “Ok I’ll have a coke please.”
Carol: “Ok that’s €3.50 please.”
I hand over the dosh. Carol hands me a tray with the goods. I pick up the burger and walk away.
Carol (calling after me): “Do you not want your fries?”
Me (over my shoulder): “Give them to someone else!”
The whole episode reminded me of a shop called Fresh in Grand Canal Dock where one can purchase punnets of grapes for €2 each or two for €5. Gas!
Now away with ye...
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The 'slam of '09

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
St. Paddy's Day 2009
Anyway, as we're not students anymore and all have jobs and a new found sense of responsibility we all vowed we'd never have, we decided it would be more prudent to celebrate Paddy's Day the day before giving people all of Paddy's Day to recover. All day drinking on Paddy's Day can only really be undertaken while at college. And so it was that I left work slightly early with the taste of booze already in my mouth. I wanted to head straight to the pub but I don't think others were willing to start that early. So I decided to call in on Clare at her place first and once Joanne and Richie arrived, we were on our way down to the Eagle House in Sandycove.
We were excited at the prospect of being served by our favourite member of staff down there who we've dubbed Pleasing Peter due to his thankful nature. Peter went above and beyond in his serving duties in 2008 and we haven't seen him so far in 2009. We were therefore seriously dismayed when we arrived to find he wasn't working that night.
It was a huge blow to the night's plans but we vowed to work through it and enjoy ourselves all the same. One by one people started to arrive until we eventually had quite a good crew consisting of myself, Clare, Joanne, Richie, Jessica, Goong, Zoe, Aily, Wig, Ali, Damo, Stef, Emsy and Karen. Even Rog and Lynn turned up for a little while. The night wore on with various people buying food at different stages. At one point I noticed an old man's cap hanging on a coat stand. Never one to pass up an opportunity for a bit of craic, I ordered Emsy to swipe the hat and Ali took photos of each of us wearing it one by one.
After last orders had been called, almost everyone headed back to our place. Once there we cranked on the Bob Marley tunes, ordered a couple of ridiculously large pizzas from Mizzonis and played a very rowdy game of Guesstures. Myself and Goong even whipped up a drunken batch of guacamole! I don't know where the time went but all of a sudden it was approaching 4am. Conscious of the neighbours and the fact that Ali had to "work" the next day, we wrapped things up and sent people on their way.
Of course my head didn't initially feel amazing the next morning. However at this stage I am well used to the sensation and have developed a sure fire way of beating the morning after hangover. I hit the kitchen and whipped up a couple of slices of white pudding accompanied by a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. As soon as Wig was up and about we headed to Tesco to buy ingredients for a super large spaghetti bolegnase. While it was simmering nicely on the hob, myself, Wig, Aily and Stef headed for a stroll up Killiney Hill where we met up with Paddy and Damo. The weather was beautiful - sunny and warm - and the walk was just what we all needed.
After the walk, we all headed back to ours to enjoy the scrumptious spaghetti bolegnase with delicious salad and freshly grated parmesan cheese. By the time this was finished, we all felt a little lethargic and headed to the sitting room for the evening. My eyes quickly became heavy and after the latest installment of Jack Bauer and an episode of Australian Immigration I was ready for bed. Wig and Aily were quick to point out that it was only 9.30 but I didn't care. And I certainly appreciated the decision of an early night when I woke up at 6.45 this morning after a whopping 9 hours sleep. Another Paddy's Day gone!
Now away with ye...