Apologies for the delay in this blog entry. Bloggy has suffered at the hands of final year project. Still better late than never and what a night it was! I'll disclaim now that this account may contain gaps where my brain shut down its memory record functions and may be inaccurate due to distortions in my memory record.
I recently moved into room 18.0.01B in Botany Bay and was obliged to celebrate with a flat warming party. Fi came round at 7 to cook up some delicious vegetable stir fry with minging LIDL rice that tasted like ground. We spent the next hour or so chilling out with cans and lemon jelly till Cathy arrived. Nik was next and for a while it seemed that I wasn't as popular as I initially thought. Thankfully several of Mike's crazy English friends turned up and the place began to feel more like a party. One by one people started turning up and about another hour later the place was like a tin of sardines. It seemed impossible that so many people could fit in the apartment but another hour later, the number of people had doubled again! I was slightly wary of campus security prowling around outside but I

soon learned to ignore that fact and just enjoy the party. Whatever was to be would be. The freaky armless baby featured greatly throughout the night making many more friends than anyone else. It was also used to demonstrate the art of mouth to mouth resuscitation. Like I said before, thanks to my old friend alcohol, specific events of the night may have slipped my mind. I do however recall spending some time chatting to the beautiful Fiona Wilkes. The one memory that stood out in my mind was Mike's speech. I've no recollection as to what he was actually saying but I do remember him lifting his glass of red wine in toast and it spilling all down his t-shirt before smashing into a million pieces on the carpet. Literally one second later, a bottle of buckfast had already been thrust into his hand and he was guzzling away. Classic! It was then that I realised this party was going to be mental and decided to shed my concerns of damaged upholstery and irate security staff.

One event I was recently reminded of by Fi was her display of maverick. Once I had informed her that the carpet was already stained when I moved into the apartment, Fi decided to take advantage of this by blatantly pouring her beer all over it. "You're a maverick!" I exclaimed. My brother Rog was also there and at one stage he looked as if he had seen a ghost. I went over to him and he was all shook up. Being the concerned brother that I am I asked him what was wrong. It turns out he was recovering from a drunken chat with Karin that has left him scarred for life. He's still dealing with the trauma. Speaking of Karin, she seemed to be getting pretty close to Gepetto at one stage. Her level of drunkeness was confirmed as soon as she asked me to give

Gepetto her number. I was happy to oblige much to her distaste the next morning. As it was getting closer to midnight it was time to kick everyone out and into Doyles. Again, memory is vague here. I did, apparently, spend some time chatting to Fiona Sinead and Niall. I remember one stage Niall assaulting me and trying to drag me upstairs to see Mike. I was uninterested at the time but I still wonder what it was that got Niall so excited that he practically kidnapped me to bring me upstairs. I left Doyles somewhat early due to my Godfather's father's funeral taking place first thing in the morning. Fi also left early thanks to an early morning drive to Cork and while we were walking down Dame St we had quite the tiff! I got back to my room and had a vague idea that I was fighting with Fi yet couldn't for the life of me remember why! A quick text to Fi and we were friends again but I had to wait till later in the week before finding out what the fight was about. Quite funny but probably shouldn't repeat it here...

Thanks to everyone who came. Was a great turnout from all walks of life. Was great to see Emma and Karen there from Rathmichael as well as other Emma and other Karen. Thanks to Ronan for bringing girls. Thanks to Mike's friend for the white chocolate buttons. Thanks to Ailbhe (Dave) for the Yop.
Now away with ye...
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