Well. So much has happened since the last entry. I am now currently residing in Apartment 18.0.01 Botany Bay with a slightly untidy yet very pleasant guy called Mike. In addition to this I recently found out that Present Arms are to play Trinity Ball 2006 mainstage at midnight. This pleases me greatly. A win for Ireland against Wales at the weekend coupled with England losing to Scotland pleases me even more. My first night in my new apartment was interesting. I celebrated with a few(!) cans up in Clares with the usual suspects before heading on down to The Mezz. At roughly 1.30am I joined Fi in Charlies 3 for some quality Chinese cuisine before heading off to spend my first night on campus. The next day I awoke to the sounds of rioting and sure enough as I looked out my bedroom window onto Pearse St I witnessed an outbreak of pandemonium. Guards running everywhere dressed in riot gear trying to keep northside scumbags at bay who were doing everything from smashing in shop windows to burning cars. Many people were running into the thick of it however I decided to take the advice of my parents and stay indoors well away from it all. On Sunday I finally got to meet my flatmate Mike of which I was feeling quite aprehensive as I was told his name was Constantinos!
Although plans were set in motion to have a flatwarming party this Friday, as I arrived home

from work last night, Mike and his mates were busy getting stuck into a few cans. Far be it from me to pass up a cool alcoholic beverage so I legged it over to Londis for a few cans of cheap Czech Lager. Unfortunately our toilet took a turn for the worse and as most people know, cheap Czech lager + blocked toilet = Mess. Still we did well running back and forth from the Buttery for all our excretery needs and midnight saw our departure from the gaff to a pub on Dame St whose name escapes me right now. Multiple pints of guinness followed and I slowly but surely began to realise that the next day might be a write off. Back at the gaff after being chucked out of the pub, Mike, being the nice guy that he is, whipped us up a batch of his famous pancake batter. A couple more cans of Pravscy later and I was off to bed with no intention of making Data Mining at 11am. Party at mine on Friday!!!
Now away with ye...
1 comment:
again, it's coleee here and not annoymous, i should really sign up to this thing !
anyway, i like the title "blocked toilet" and underneath is a picture of "blocked nassau street" !!
also, there's a severe lack of the goings on of last friday. My usually dependable memory seems to have taken on too much alcohol that night and my memory is sketchy !
oh ye, one last thing myself and wigs both think your appartment number looks like a date ! ok, i know there's no month 0, but at first glance, it does a bit
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