What a day! It all started I suppose the night before. For some stupid reason we got it into our heads to have a pre ball drink in O'Neill's. It started off as a quiet one with a friend of Fi's she met in Germany and as you can imagine it ended up being a proper one. After a few pints in O'Neill's it was only natural to progress on to bigger and better things in Doyles. The party consisted of myself, Fi, Cyath-eh, Lenny and his friend who's country of origin is still as yet undecided. After getting kicked out we stalled it round the back of Trinity so that Lenny could sneak Fi in to stay at my place. The next morning we awoke and were far too hungover for the morning of the ball. We headed to Goldsmith to collect our tickets and bumped into everybody we knew on the way. After Fi left, many attempts were made at catching up on lost sleep in anticipation of the ball however this proved impossible as people were calling over every 5 minutes for a variety of different reasons. I gave up and decided to attempt to get my gear over to the stage we were playing on in advance so I wouldn't have to cart it

through throngs of drunken students later on that night. After a 3 hour search for the stage manager I gave up and met Col and headed up to Clare's for some pre-ball merriment. This was good and both Ems and Clare were in top form. A while later, my stunning date Joanne arrived albeit with mismatched shoes. Myself, herself and Col all headed down to Trinity for around 10 to collect my drunken band from Doyles. It appears they blatantly disregarded my instructions to not get pissed before the gig which only further eased my conscience on the decision I had recently taken to leave the band. After a brief spell in the "green room" (aka smokey dingy theatre with a few chairs and room temparature budweiser) the bands manager called us to the stage. The gig went better than it seemed to at the time. Unfortunately all I could hear in my monitor were keyboards and Noel's drunken ramblings. Couldn't even hear Tommy's kit! But reports from the crowd were pretty positive. Anyway regardless of how the sound was the gig was still good for several other reasons. Nuala and Andie's

carefully made sign lasted about 3 seconds before Dan "c**t" Needham robbed it on them. He spent the rest of the gig waving it around, throwing it on stage, jumping over the barriers to get it, getting thrown back behind the barriers by the bouncers and waving it around back to front. The highlight of the gig, however was an impromptu skanking performance by none other than Colin "2 tone man" O'Driscoll. During Monkey Man, I remember seeing Noel beckoning someone in the crowd. Looking into the crowd all I could see was a very excited black and white blur running round to the stage entrance and flashing a backstage pass at a

bouncer. Next thing I know Col is on stage dancing with Noel! Was a great performance and one I doubt Col will forget any time soon. After the gig I just couldn't get my gear back to my apartment quick enough. I was dying to rush out and see the end of Ocean Colour Scene. I only managed to make the last song but it was The Day we Caught the Train so that was good. Saw a few other bands after that but don't really know who they were. The rest of the night was spent bumping into people I knew and chatting to them. The last act I remember seeing was the Guns 'n' Roses tribute act who were, to be frank, dire! After Joanne had gone home I spent a while

longer chatting to a few more people before turning in for the night. Thanks to the pre ball drinks the night before I was well and truly ready for bed.

Now away with ye...
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