I hadn't slept in days. Partly from studying and partly from the sheer excitement at the prospect of being college forever. Sure enough the day finally came and I could barely sit still in the exam when the invigilator announced there was only 40 minutes of the exam left. Once it finished I just couldn't get to the Pav quick enough! But first we went to centra for a

crate and another coors light cooler. Finally we got down to some drinking in the pav. Clare and her mates were there as well as half of MSISS. Col turned up shortly before two. I was half way through my 4th can when I got a call from Bank of Ireland telling me I'd got the job I went for in internal audit. How fitting! A job offer on my last day of college! So now it was really time to celebrate. At about 6 we headed up to Clare's for a BBQ. On the way we bought the ingredients for home made burgers. When we got there, it turned out Clare was not feeling

the Mae West so she went to bed and left me as hostess! YES! The novelty of having to answer her phone and direct guests to her place soon wore off though and I was relieved when she re-joined the party after a lie-down feeling much better. We ate food, drank beer, watched world cup, had the banter and played buzz. Buzz resulted in quite a competitive relationship developing between me and Mark. Col left around 11.30 to meet soome of his mates in town. After another hour and a half I decided to join him. After all, the mates he was joining were my future work mates! I only intended on going for one as a 13 hour drinking session was beginning to take its toll. However when I arrived in The Oak, I felt a lot better. The tiger beer went down well. Bumped into Trish there and had a

good auld chat about girls, the weather and the state of the nation. After that, more shots and beers with the lads and we were on our way to Iskanders for the obligatory end of night kebab. This went down well and before long I was on a 7N bound for Loughlinstown. A great night to finish off four years of Statistics.
Now away with ye...
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