Friday 18th November, 7:00pm and myself and Ali have our asses firmly rooted to a worryingly rickety picnic table outside The Pav. Tis interesting, we muse, that it is so early in the night yet it seems so late. So two Bavarias later we get a call from Lin and Lisa telling us they are inside and far being it from us to form an argument for staying out in the cold November air we wander in. Another couple of Bavarias each and we find ourselves on our way over to see the German in Goldsmith Hall but not before a stop off in Centra for more of the precious Bavaria.

Arriving at Lenny's, it turns out that there is some sort of United Nations drinking session underway with many Germans, a few Dutch and a girl from Ballinteer. The game: Ring of fire aka Circle of death, the object: Get quite drunk, say lots of silly things that aren't actually funny and try not get landed with having to drink the dirty pint. The dirty pint in this case started off with a splash of milk and a dash of vodka to get things going even before any kings were drawn.

The game proceeds with ridiculous rules being made including no pointing and the mandatory use of everybody's surnames. One poor bugger even got landed with a nice pair of dirty pints! A heated debate broke out at one point as to whether somebody

had broken the ring or not. It still remains unresolved. Make up your own mind (See photo on left) Curiously, a graphical she-man deck of cards kept appearing throughout the night although nobody seemed brave enough to claim ownership. I have my suspicions - say no more Nickleback. As soon as midnight was upon us, the German had us shipped out of his flat faster than you could say lieblingsfreizeitbeschaeftigung and a lengthy, heated debate ensued, the topic of which was 'Our next port of call'. The aforementioned port of call eventually turned out to be........

..........The Palace. Fine by me although Doyles was infinitely closer. Taxi up was only 2 big ones each and entry was free so nothing to complain about really. Good times had in the palace. Bit of an Andrew's reunion with Robbie G, Laura L and Byron turning up. Highlights included talking to a Dutch Kirsten Dunst, meeting Tori Spelling and enthusing excessively to the girl from Ballinteer

about the wonder that is Ska music. Saturday 19th November, 4:00am and myself and Ali have our asses firmly rooted to a worryingly rickety 84N. Vague memories coming back just now of excessive thanking of the driver for getting us home in under 19 minutes. Impressive. After a brief discussion with Ali regarding good kisses and a wrestling match with Rog to get a sleeping bag off him our sleepy heads were lain to rest in anticipation of Part II.

Part II involved taking a bus into town to meet the German & co at Goldsmith. Again, a severe lack of Irish with several Germans,
a few Dutch, a Spaniard and a girl from Ballinteer. Ended up in Buskers for a disappointing match against the Aussies in which Ireland lost 14-27. Back to Lennys for some delicious pasta Carbonara and the Wales-South Africa match where the referee, having lost his whistle, was forced to resort to capturing a

defenceless bird to poke with a stick in order to simulate the shrill sound of a whistle. Off we are again on the 6 mile hike that is the journey to Frazers of O Connell st. This time it's the Real Madrid - Barcelona match. Alas here the excitement of the last 24 hours caught up with me and that combined with the high temperature and lack of oxygen in Frazers forced my early departure on the 20:10 145 bus. A night cruelly cut short yet one to be remembered. Only one question remains - Who's the girl??!! -->
Now away with ye...
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