Saturday's match turned pub crawl
This blog is destined to store many random stories that apart from being mildly amusing to a few of the people involved will be quite dull. Nonetheless it will provide me with a means to record the many exciting adventures that seem to find me at every turn. And on that note, Saturday seems like a good place to start. Let me see...

It all started with waiting for an hour for a bus to take me to Mary Macs of Ballsbridge. Although the journey was augmented by the company of Elliot's lovely girlfriend Niamh, the traffic was crap between Donnybrook and Ballsbridge. Nonetheless I finallly arrived at Mary Macs where Sarah and Fi were waiting. More arrived and the match began. What match? Ireland V All blacks. Rather not discuss the result although I don't think Ireland played too badly. Anyway after the game Aily turned up. Say no more about that. She knows I'm sorry.
Then on it was to Burger King on O'Connell St. Took me a while to remember how we got there but I'm pretty sure at this stage it was by bus. After a swift whopper meal it was on to some random pub Lenny the German found to watch Germany V France. Frazers as I am just reminded by Col. Then on again to Parnell Mooney's for some reason to which I am unaware. It was here we met the legendary Scatman John who joined us in an impromptu rendition of Ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop. I would also like to take this opportunity to apologise to Fi for opening a letter of hers that clearly was not addressed to me. So anyway this pub attracting the sort of clientel (A certain stuttering old man) that it does we moved swiftly on to....
The Ivy on Harcourt st. Being closed (it was still ridiculously early, about 9.30pm) we headed up to Slapper Face Jacks for a few Britney Spears. It is worth reminding people of Fi's
abusive nature at this point. The taxi journey to the Ivy was quite eventful. Fi went into one of her rages hurling abuse through the taxi window at everyone who walked past until... OMG! Total 'mare! She abuses someone she knows who she doesn't recognise till its too late. Bad buzz on Monday morning in college when she saw the person apparently! Abusive comments from Fi included "You're a slut", "Your Ma's a slut" and simply "SLUT!" Needless to say the taxi driver was far from happy as Larry and summed it up himself when he pointed out that Larry is probably not too happy anymore and is probably about ready to kill himself. So its no surprise that heading back to the Ivy after Slappers Fi was refused entry. This is where the group split. With Emsy Col and Aily (sorry) heading into the Ivy, Myself, Nik, Fi, Sarah and the German headed on down to the Mezz.
The band unusually wasn't the best or perhaps the alcohol level in my body prevented me from appreciating them properly. Nothing especially of note happened here although its possible that I simply don't remember. Anybody with a better memory feel free to enlighten us! Also Would love to hear what happened over in the Ivy. Apparently it was full of 12 year olds. The only piece of action I heard from that group was that a drunken staggering smoking Brian O'Driscoll was spotted on Grafton St. with a pair of not so hot looking broads. Personally my night ended with being offered a piece of black pudding on the night link. After politely refusing, the kind Gentleman proceeded to light up. Thanks to Fi, I didn't get knocked unconscious as a result of my protest. Although I paid the price with Fi whining at me all the way home that my house wasn't in town.
Special thanks to Colins impeccable memory, the red people for giving us directions to the Ivy and Aily's bag that relentlessy followed us from pub to pub. Aplogies to Aily generally and to both Aily and Fi for ruining their tops. Additional general apologies to anybody whose clothes were moistened as a result of any of the numerous pint-spilling occasions intiated by me.Now away with ye...
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