Met Fi at front arch of Trinity at 5.45 pm to head over to Cineworld (formerly UGC) for a Monday evening flick. Little did I know of the pub crawl that the night would turn into. Walking up to Parnell St a heated debate began over which film to see. It was Match Point versus Just Friends. I really wanted

to see the latter but suspect that had something to do with the casting of a certain Ms Smart as the girl. So I finally won Fi over using my boyish charm since we were a tad early we stopped in McDonalds for some sustanance(??!!). It was here, over a big mac meal, that Fi recalled all the gory details of her week of debauchery in Edinburgh for new year's. Sounded like quite the messy one. Next it was

into the film. I received looks of intense "I told you so" from Fi throughout the film and as such apologised to her after for not going to see match point. Still the night was young and throats were dry so we headed to the venue of a previous night many years ago - Madigan's drinking emporium. That's a laugh! It's an old man's pub on O'Connell st hyped up by the name to be a social venue that it clearly isn't. Still the old manness of it is part of the attraction and we had the craic gossiping over a couple of Britney Spears. After swapping our respective new year's eve stories we headed for the Porter House, calling in the services of the German on the

way. He arrived shortly with two other Germans and a Frenchman. "I've just come from the cinema", he declared. "We saw match point. It was brilliant!" Ouch! I felt the glare from Fi pierce through my body before I even lookby manipulating color and value. So, pictures to come as the project gets further along and more picture worthy, all I have right now is wet fabric in buckets.
Yarn Harlot has proposed a knitting olympics, and I am extremely tempted to participate, against my better judgement of course. I don't know when I'll have time to knit, or you know, sleep, eat, breathe. I want to knit the skating queen skirt from Knitty for my sister's birthday. I haven't officially joined yet, because I am afraid to commit to something and then come February, not have time to knit it and then feel obligated to knit instead of do physics homework, or instead of working on textiles or something else important. And, the most exciting use of my time is... drum roll...
Chris Roberts Antieau has commissioned me to dye fabric for her work! That is the most exciting thing ever!!! I still have to make up some samples for her and give her a price quote. So if all goes well, that is what I'll probably be spending my weekends doing.
As for my sock, I am past the heel, working on the knit around section until I get to start decreasing for the toe. u has commissioned me to dye fabric for her work! That is the most exciting thing ever!!! I still have to make up some samples for her and give her a price quote. So if all goes well, that is what I'll probably be spending my weekends doing.
As for my sock, I am past the heel, working on the knit around section until I get to start decreasing for the toe.
Ok for some reason some randomers blog has become merged with mine. I'd love to know if the randomer has the end of my blog because it took me feckin ages! Still reckon I'll leave it in coz it's kinda random and funny and besides I can't be arsed writing any more.
Now away with ye...