College had finished at 3pm today (Friday 13th Jan) and I was hanging around the computer rooms working on my final year project. Despite getting quite a bit of work done I couldn't help the feeling of impending doom at the back of my mind due to an important Heineken Cup group match between Castres and Munster falling on a Friday 13th. I had plans to watch the match in the Woolshed Baa and Grill with the German (I was there with Louise the previous night and noted they were showing it) but he cancelled on me mid afternoon. BASTAD! So in

between bits of my project I was texting people to try and find a match watching partner without sounding too desparate. Thankfully good old Emsy came to my rescue. She said she would meet me at 7.30 in the bar which was 10 minutes before kick off. At 7 I headed up to Parnell st to scout out a good spot in front of the big screen. It was just after arriving that a text from Ems informed me she would be at least 15 mins late. No matter. I was comfortable on my stool with a pint of guinness, clothed in a brand shiny new Munster jersey betwixt two other alcoholic loners, each with a similar fanatical devotion to the Munster rugby as me. It was half time before Ems turned up with her American cousin Anna-Rose or some ship sounding name. The score at this stage was Castres 9 - 13 Munster. Dodgy considering Castres were playing at home and within a try of taking the lead. However fears were laid to rest when Munster came back after the break with guns blazing which led to a stomping 46-9 victory! 7 tries meaning almost 2 bonus points

for Munster. This means the match against Sale next Saturday is of utmost importance and will decide who gets home advantage in the quarter finals. So shortly after the match finished Colleee arrived and we watched the very worst of Aussie rules while waiting for Clare to pick us up in her car. Recent texting with Claire established she was in Doyles with Lisa and so we went there to meet them. A few pints later it was approaching midnight and I had to nip over to college to rescue my bike lest I not be able to cycle home later. It was while doing so that I bumped into a rather inebriated Maria Swan. She invited me to a shindig at chez swan on Sunday and insisted that she was the smartest, hottest Swan sister, a claim that Fi incessantly refutes. Back at Doyles, the girls and Colleee were waiting for me outside. It was decided that a pokey little place called Hartigans

on Leeson st was to be our next port of call. The reason? A guy Emsy fancies sometimes goes there! It was a long shot but nevertheless we headed up. Clare, Colleee, Ems and Anna-Rose by car and me on two wheels. I was cycling up and down the street for some time looking for Hartigans when it suddenly dawned on me that I was on Baggot St! For some reason I had got the two streets mixed up. I still managed to arrive at Hartigans earlier than the others albeit a lot wetter! Hartigans was gas! Four ridiculously bright fluorescent lights provided illumination for the pub and the barman was less than impressed with the American we had in tow. Needless to say we only stayed for one - partly due to the pub's imminent closure. Turfed out on our ears we wandered for miles while trying to decide where to go next. After a few showers later, the Odeon was chosen. Just inside were the toilets which were welcomed by all especially Clare (I'm surprised she managed to keep it in this time ;-) actually I'm sure I commented as such at the time.) Being blokes, myself and Col were out in record time and while waiting for the girls my Munster jersey was met with some slight hostility. It was then I heard a crash and turning I noticed a girl had dropped a glass and was trying to pick it up. When she stood up I couldn't help notice her height.

She was a giant! After complementing her on her height we struck up a conversation in which I ascertained her height to be 6'2" or 6'4" with the boots she was wearing. Well I never! I found myself incredibly attracted to her and was about to make my move when her drunken boss appeared on the scene who was less than impressed with my Munster jersey. He started asking me to talk to the tall girl because he couldn't. I jokingly told him to tell me what he wanted to say and I would tell her to which he replied with a completely straight face "What?" I repeated my statement which sounded less funny the second time and received the same reply but with a more hostile face. I was getting slightly worried at this stage and anticipating a scene. He must have noticed this for he suddenly smiled and insisted he was just messing with me. That was fine but he playfully punched me thrice in the stomach which winded me and destroyed any chances I had with the tall girl. I notice Col and the girls had abandoned me (thanks guys) and so I headed up the stairs to find them. One thing I couldn't help noticing was the amount of hot and tall girls in the place. Where had the Odeon been all my life?! We found a few comfortable seats although it wasn't long before the girls were up dancing.

General craic was had and we left after a few hours in search of some kebabs. As before I cycled down to Iskanders followed closely by Clare and her crew in the car. I had to wait outside Iskanders for ages for them to arrive and had already finished m'garlic fries by the time they did. Several kebabs were ordered and swiftly eaten although in Emsy's case it was Humous. It was 3.30am or thereabouts and so I bid my pals adieu. The cycle home was tough with a strong wind against me and a heavy laptop on my back. A welcome shower after I got home sent me into a deep welome sleep.
Now away with ye...
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