Waking up on the third day of our Tilburg trip I didn't feel half as bad as I did waking up
on the second day. Unfortunately my travelling companions did not share my lack of hangover
and Fi in particular was in a bad way. Joris once again was nowhere to be seen and we began

to wonder if he even came home at all last night. We woke up properly and whipped up a
batch of the obligatory toasties. Fi who is normally quite intolerant was at the height of
her intolerance this morning and I actually feared for Max's life if he were to mention the
T word to Fi again. Some time was spent filling Max in on his drunken antics from the night
before. Due to falling sleep and our general drunken state we didn't get to

finish Kingdom
of Heavan from the night before and so we decided to watch the lat 30 minutes again. The
leading woman seemed a lot hotter the night before and the film was even worse than we
remembered it. After this and listening to the same Nirvana album 5 times Joris turned up
to show us round his university. The bus today was €1.60 when the day before it had only
cost 50c. Even Joris is confused by this and can't explain it himself. The university was

simple and quiet - a bit like Lenny! Ah no. We went up to the top floor and thanks to the
flat nature of the Dutch countryside we could see for literally miles and miles. Lenny as
always was only thinking about his stomach and when he was going to get his next fix of
toasties. So after a lot of Fi being intolerant towards his grumbling we headed for their
equivalent of the buttery. Toasties and soup for a change. With a bit of food in us we
began to feel thirsty again and so the first beers of the day were ordered. After a few in
"The Buttery pleesh" we went into the town to look around. On our travels we encountered
the Dutch equivalent of Hector Grey's. Still feeling guilty about breaking Joris' chair on

the first night I decided to buy him a replacement. Unfortuantely the only chairs they had
were small, flimsy, breakable neon fold up ones however it would have to do. I promptly
bought it and presented it to Joris. Frankly Joris thought it was shit but Max seemed a lot
more interested in it. From that point on it was a rare thing to see Max without the chair.
On our way to a pub I needed to stop off at an atm. The chair provided the perfect way to
rest my posterior while withdrawing cash. More Heineken Bavaria and Grolsch in the pub.
Then it was on to the restaurant that Joris booked us into where we caught up with his
girlfriend. I ordered the wrong thing by accident but it ended up being delicious. Still

would have loved the steak that Lenny got. A nice after dinner game of Guess Who was fun
except for the cheating. If you're going to play a game you should play it properly. On the
way to the next bar, Max insisted on having a photo of him sitting on the chair taken at
every point along the way. He even asked randomers to stand beside him while he sat on the
chair. Some randomers were more happy about this than others especially the 15 year old

girls he asked. It was impossible to wrench the chair from his hands. He just would not let
go! We were now in this bar that sells many many different types of beer and each one comes
in its own glass with its own beermat. One final photo with the chair was taken in the mens
toilets. Sat at the table next to ours was a couple eating a platter of cold meat and
cheese. As soon as they left Max was over there in a flash to tidy up the remains of their
food. He has no morals! After this it was back to Joris' place where the others smoked the

last joint - HAZE! This is, as the packet says, for the experienced smokers only. Well when
they came back up to Joris' room from smoking it you could see why. I could tell there was
a lot of laughter contained within them ready to burst out. It only took about 30 seconds
for me to make a completely non-funny comment about the crisps we were eating which
resulted in everyone crying with laughter till there were no more tears left. For some
reason Fi's logic was wreaking havoc. She got the idea into her head that becuase of
Lenny's army training he might be officially classified as a weapon! Lenny relished this
and made Fi regret asking him that for the next 24 hours. He even compared himself to

rambo! It was just then that Lenny decided to tell me that the chair I broke on the first
night was not in fact given to Joris by his grandfather and it was of no sentimental value
to him whatsoever. BASTAD! But I decided to let him away with it since buying the new chair
had been such a great source of amusement. We decided to hit the sack relatively early
since we were leaving the next day much to the disappointment of Max. He would have kept on
going forever if he was given half the chance! Lying in bed trying to sleep we played

newly invented word game that Lenny kicked our asses at despite him being German. Nothing
against Germans like! So that was it. The next morning we were up and out everyone was
feeling like shit and not saying much. An uneventful journey home however I must mention
that wins from both Leinster and Munster in the Heineken Cup mean an all-Ireland semi final
in three weeks time in Lansdowne road. I CAN'T WAIT!
Now away with ye...